Our vision is to own a building with space for members to meet and where we can provide job training for members. We want to build a business within our building that would provide jobs, job training and sales that would help defray expenses .
In the past several years, there have been many government budget cuts affecting the disabled. If the future holds more of the same, the disabled will be left without help. Many of these people and nearly all of our members are able and willing to work full-time jobs, but the opportunities are limited.
A building of our own would make it possible for us to provide employment and job training for our members, make it possible to house members, provide office and meeting space and a recreation area and commercial kitchen for further job training and meal preparation.
It is a big dream, and we hope you have big hearts! Thank-you so very much for whatever you can give. If you'd like to discuss this matter further, please e-mail us or call between the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. during the week and between 1:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. on Sundays.
You are our best partner in advocating for these hopeful young adults. They won't disappoint you. Please don't let them down. Please read more about our dream.